The vision of Ropheka Physio is to provide quality treatment and prevent recurrence of injuries. We believe in restoration and healing.
We are an independent, locally owned out -patient physical therapy practice. Specializing in overall patient health and satisfaction is our top priority.
We will provide you with the highest level of rehabilitation care possible with our primary goal being to return you to your lifestyle as quickly and safely as possible.
Please make your appointments well in advance to ensure you get appointment times that work best for you.To make an appointment call 097311 26123
Having more than 10 years’ experience in the field of physiotherapy, she has envisioned the start of Ropheka Physio Centre with an attitude to serve everyone who is in need for restoration.
In Her Words “We are excited of this venture and equally happy to be the helping hand to make people fit again and we believe in restoration and healing”.
Make AppointmentNo matter whether your condition was caused by a sport, work accident or otherwise, we welcome the chance to serve you.
Make an AppointmentOur physiotherapists have advanced education, experience and expertise in orthopaedic diagnosis and treatment approaches, using evidence-based manual and exercise therapy, education, and electrotherapeutic modalities, to maximize patient outcomes and clinical success.
Exercise Therapy is a regimen or plan of physical activities designed and prescribed for specific therapeutic goals.
It is a physical treatment primarily used by physical therapists, physiotherapists to treat musculoskeletal pain and disability.
It’s an innovative therapeutic approach combining static and dynamic manipulations of the body’s soft tissue.
Sports Taping is commonly used by physiotherapists to: relieve your pain. improve joint stability. enhance athlete confidence.
Treatment can include head maneuvres, vision stability training, posture and balance retraining, neck mobility exercises and general fitness.
Kinetic Flossing is an innovative therapeutic technique that involves compression bandages made of elastic rubber bands.